Weekly Challenge, Week 1: “Eat!” - photofriday.com has links to photos for this challenge on the lefthand side of their website for inspiration
Three mini challenges:
1. Turn off the “P” mode
- try shooting in aperture priority if you never have, and if you already use the “A” mode, challenge yourself to “M”
2. Turn off your flash!
Appreciate the look soft, natural light can give your images.
3. Take out the shake!
- Careful when you’re shooting at or less than 1/60th of a second, or have a heavy lens and it’s less than 1/160th of a second.
- I was taught to hold my breath when I take a photo; I’ve read that you should exhale and take the shot in the void between your exhale and your inhale.
- taking a photo with a point and click? Brace your elbows against your torso
- brace your elbows or one arm against a wall or object
i like this. its something i never photograph or even think to. this is going to be interesting...